
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Αύγουστος, 2024

TsaMpa went to Kavos, Corfu, Greece and created the Youth Exchange "Learn out of the Box " May 2024

LBOX a succesful Youth Exchange! 08/05/2024  - 15/05/2024 L earn out of the box , was designed to address the growing levels of youth anxiety and disappointment regarding unpleasant school experiences and grade failure. We are aiming to tackle this issue by creating and disseminating experience with detailed information about how to get into life changing non formal educational activities.  The main objectives were: - To make use of arts and non-formal activities to reach out to marginalized young people, youngsters from underprivileged backgrounds and people with disabilities or fewer opportunities. - To actively promote social inclusion of youngsters, promoting diversity, intercultural dialogue, and common values of freedom while inspiring positive impacts on learning attitudes and lifelong learning. - To empower youth through productive studying methods and techniques as a strategic tool to nurture tolerance and respect of the others as well as to themselves, inciting active civic